Thursday 23 August 2012


I haven't updated in a few days because, well, I didn't know what I planned to say.
I think.  Wait..
URRRGH.  No, I don't.
I can, however, keep on typing pointlessly (except that I'm male) as far as I could throw a water bottle.
Oh, yeah.  But can you hear the inspiring chant of the Bro?
Brooooo.. Broooooo.. Brooo-ooo-oo-ooooooooooh..
It's like a ninja.  It never hits you that you're dead until somebody informs you.  EG,
Good Samaritan: Oh, look, you're dead.  Giggle.
You: Oh? Hey, look, so I am! I wondered why I was bleeding.  Well, the more I know.  Time to move on.

And you will crawl for hours and hours and then recognize, YOU'RE DEAD.  Of course, if a good samaritan came along and helped you you'd be alive, but.. OH WAIT.  Guess they took the day off, huh?

8:38 AM.. almost time to go.  Guess I'll see you next time, on LET'S BLOG, JOZEF'S BLOG!
This is HCB-- Uh, I mean.. JOZ3F, signing off.  Have a good day!

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