Saturday 18 August 2012

Auditioning Audio

So, just recently, I had my audio fixed.
Who? Not by me.  BY MY MOTHER.  But it wouldn't have worked had I not gotten out the ol' speakerboxes and got them to pretty much work (they weren't doing anything other than going 'BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ' but it's a step in the right direction.)
Humiliating? Hardly! Thanks mum! I take partial credit, though.  I can turn them up to unimagi-- well, it's pretty loud.  It's ideal.  I like it.
So, today, I missed out on coff- I have an idea.
7:()() SUBCONCIOUS.. sleeping.
8:[][] I wake! Dust off Youtube and watch some PCULL44444 (that guy's pretty cool, but he's no bro.)
9:00 Stop with the Metroid Fusion + PCULL combo even though it's pretty cool and go see what Dad's doin'. Turns out he's cooking breakfast.
10:00 Watch some olympic jazz from 9:15-10:00-ish.  Food is served around then.
10:[}{]-11:15 Start up some World of Warcraft jazz, heehee.
Smooth sailing until around 1:30.
1:30: decide to write up on blog but first get up on some internet jazz and try to get youtube to stop shutting up and work
2:00 Writing blog now.  I'll update in the next few days if not tomorrow.
Not a bad idea, yeah? Not all that giggleous but eh, it's a sunday.  Unless you checked out PCULL44444.. Let's Play Minish Cap.  Don't go for his old ones such as Link to the Past, too serious and quiet and shy and stuff.
Oh, well.

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