Saturday 18 August 2012

First Entry to Broship

Day One of Blog History

When my name is up in lights you will remember this.
This is the day of my Blog birth.. or blirth.  Euck, that sounds like some sort of ooze.

I am Jozef.  You may call me JOZ3F.  Actually, no.
You will call me JOZ3F.
No, 'BROSAAAAAAAAAAAAAF' or anything like that.
Respect is acceptable.
I am a Broman.
You are not.
You are a peasant.
Unless you're not.
In which case you're not.
Deal with it.
I suppose now is a good time to go over the ranking system of a bro.
Just the basic ten.
10. Peasant! (pretty self-explanatory here)
9. Pleas-ant. (a little better, but still self explanatory.
8. CIVILIAN (all caps)
7. The Downtown Pizza Store Owner (it's cool, you earn money)
6. NOO YAWK CIVILIAN (nobody spells these days, so mainstream)
5. Broman (As you are, soldier.)
4. Broviticus (Bronze)
3. Plaesar's Left Hand Man (Silver)
2. Plaeser's Right Hand Man (A figure of gold.  Can't honk with only one left hand.)
1. Plaeser Himself.
You see.. I will give you a sample of his greatness.
"Everyone's life is governed by an internal code of conduct. (Except if you're silly.) Some call it morality.  Others call it religion. (One God to Rule them all.. except there's 3-1 gods.  HAHAHA.  Read on.)  But Bros in the know (such as I myself) call this holy grail (oooh) the Bro (WAIT FOR IT) Code."
Does it not send shivers quivering down your spine (a bro's allowed to rhyme, don't haite, haitur.)
Would you like more?
Buy it.  The Bro Code.  It's worth the million dollars plus tax.

Now, for the questions.  What is a bro? You're broking, right? Jester..
"A bro is a person who would give you the shirt off his back when he doesn't want to wear it anymore."
A lifelong companion you can always trust on.. one who would bend over backwards to help you bend a chick over backwards.. oh yeah.
Nabroleon, Tom Brokaw                Broan of Arc, Brobara Walters
Bro Jackson, Teddy Broosevelt      Geraldine Ferrarbro, Broko Ono
Broce Springsteen
Just to overview it. 
If this is Samuel (my best bro and wingman) reading this, good luck and I hope your buttflap is better.

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