Saturday 22 September 2012

Zoidberg and Me

Doctor Zoidberg once said, 'If there was a cake, would you have one slice or none at all? Even if the other members of the cake eating were swirling and frosting their hot naked bodies against the cake?'

That has nothing to do with me.  Just thought you should know.  I've been bored and need a new game to play.  Takes forever to get my terraria server application back to me.  It's like the moderators pretend I'm not even there o.o

Now, I haven't posted in a LONG TIME.  You may wonder why.  It's because I haven't been so carefree.  I've been worrying and shit like that.  I also noticed my post views going up to 26 (oh my god so intense) and this isn't much of an update, but it's enough for me.

I might just end it here.  Ah, well.  At least I updated it after a long time, woooow.
How I Met Your Mother Season 8 Ep. 1 coming out soon, guys! Hang on!
Also, I want to clear up, it said Barney's -future- wife on the CBS description.
He's not getting married until like, season 9 so far.

Good luck, guise!